Shaikh ‘Ubaid Al-Jābirī on those who attack Salafi Publications

Sunday 8th October 2006, after Taraweeh prayer, in Madinah, KSA, during the Salafi Publications Dawrah ʿIlmiyyah in Ramaḍān.

Ash-Shaikh Al-ʿAllāmah Ubaid Al-Jābirī (Allah’s mercy be upon him) said:

“As for the fourth level, it is the level of patience in whatever harm afflicts him in the path of calling to Allah, the Sublime and Exalted. And you should know, may Allah bless you, that whoever puts himself forward for da’wah and partakes in it, then he appoints for himself the duty of the Prophets and Messengers, from Nuh, the first of them, to Muhammad (sallallāhu ʿalayhi wasallam). And so long as the affair is like that, then harm will afflict him to the level of his striving in his daʿwah. But sometimes it can increase, when ignorance increases, and corruption increases, and innovations increase, then it (the harm) can become more severe upon the caller (to Allaah).

And when these affairs decrease, then the harm will decrease. And whoever desires to convey the true da’wah to the creation, then it is upon him to have patience and to strive in this patience. And as for the one whose chest becomes constricted and is hasty, and does not adhere to patience, then he will not reach what he desires of explaining the truth to the people and calling them to it.

And we know in these days what has afflicted Maktabah Salafiyyah in Birmingham, from a people who ascribe to the Sunnah. And these (people), I don’t know what has carried them to (make) this audacious attack. And we, all praise is due to Allāh, know the Maktabah for years, and that which we advise everyone who is affiliated with the Maktabah, regardless of whether it is someone who is part of it, or one who listens to its lessons (that are organised by it), or who is close by it, that they don’t pay any attention to this audacious attack. This is because the Maktabah, and all praise is due to Allāh, Allāh has paved the way for it in the last few years, from the people of knowledge and excellence who have become tied with it and who have acknowledged [and partaken in] its efforts in calling to Allāh, the Sublime and Exalted. And I emphasize that you do not pay attention to this hateful, large-scale attack from some of those who ascribe to the Sunnah. And we know them to be students from the Islāmic University (of Madīnah). And we know others, but we do not like to name anyone.”

And that which I advise the Muslim men and women who have an attachment to the Maktabah Salafiyyah is that they have patience and seek aid from Allaah, and not be deceived by the large numbers of opposers.

And how excellent is what has been said by Fudayl bin ʿIyāḍ (rahimahullāh), “You must follow the paths of guidance, and the scarcity of followers will not harm you. And beware of the paths of misguidance, and do not be deceived by the abundance of those who perish.”

And greater than this sentence in admonition and lesson, is what is authentically reported from the Prophet (sallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam), is that the nations were presented to him and that he saw a prophet having with him between three to ten people, and a prophet having with him one or two people, and a prophet who had no one with him. So let all of this be a lesson.

And some trustworthy brothers have told me that when Shaykh Wasiyullāh ʿAbbās visited the [office of the] Maktabah and said what he said of words that he did not fully comprehend, and which had been put into his ears by way of some people of biased personal interests, that fifteen people left the Maktabah. And the answer to this is that this does not harm you, even if only fifteen people remained (with the Maktabah), so long as you spread the Sunnah, and you aid it, and defend it, and its people.

I will end this word with a very beautiful story, its essence is that Imām Mālik (rahimahullāh) authored the well-known Al-Muwatta. And the Imām Ibn Abī Dhi’b (rahimahullāh) authored a Muwatta greater in size than it. So it was said to Imām Mālik, “What is the benefit in this Muwatta of yours when Ibn Abī Dhi’b has authored a Muwatta greater in size than yours.” What do you imagine about the saying of Imām Mālik [that he responded with]? He said a very amazing and beautiful statement, within which, by Allah, is an admonition, and within which is an encouragement for whoever calls to the truth even if those who follow him are few. He (rahimahullāh) said, “Whatever is sincerely for (the sake of) Allāh, will remain.”

And how free from imperfections is Allaah, the Mighty, there has not appeared [and spread] across the whole of the earth, except the Muwatta of Imaam Mālik (rahimahullāh). As for the Muwatta of Ibn Abī Dhi’b (rahimahullāh), then it has no trace as far as I know.

And here, may Allah bless you, I note regarding my saying, “Some of them are from the Islamic University of Madinah”, that it is not permissible that it be understood from this that the University is responsible for them. These actions of theirs are from themselves, and the University is not responsible for the behaviour of individuals or groups from amongst its students.

So, understand this, may Allah bless you.

Audio with translation:


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